Industrial and Logistics Area in the Lelu Intersection
- Area: 345 ha
- Zoning: general plan
The size of the industrial area is approximately 350 ha.
The area has great potential for space-intensive industry, an area for workplaces has been reserved in the master plan, no local plan has been made yet.
The area is located at the intersection of the E 18 motorway and the access road to the city centre of Hamina (when arriving from the east).
The area is for the most part owned by the city. There area already has connections in place from the parallel roads of the E18 motorway.
Cursor Oy
Ilkka Hasanen
Director Invest In
Cursor Oy
+358 40 190 2515
Haminan Kaupunki
Aki Oksanen
Haminan Kaupunki
+358 400 815 836