Services for new businesses

Our services for you, entrepreneurs interested in locating a business here

Presentation and key facts about the Kotka-Hamina region

We will be delighted to present opportunities in the Kotka-Hamina region, either remotely or in person. Based on our initial discussion, we can further explore the issues that are important to your business.

Business premises and plots

We will help your company to find suitable operating premises and a plot


We will help your company to network with other local businesses.

Funding channels

We will present available funding opportunities and channels.

Customer meetings locally

We can organise meetings with potential customers and stakeholders in the Kotka-Hamina region.

Cooperation with educational institutions

We will put you in touch with local educational institutions should you need services such as tailored personnel training, domestic or international workforce or trainees, or if you are interested in RDI partnerships.

Recruiting aid

If necessary, we can carry out recruiting campaigns together with the employment authorities or HR companies.